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Alas, you are to the point that you want to know "what to expect" and "what you are getting into". This is where I disappoint. Due to me having a "day job" and a "real" life outside of this industry, I DO NOT allow reviews. One small detail released *may* be that ONE detail that rocks the boat. I prefer to not have to go down that path, therefore I do not entertain the notion of reviews. 


That being said- I also DO NOT ACCEPT REVIEWS as a form of screening. Your review(s) of another provider tell me nothing other than about your experience with said provider. It clogs my brain and is a waste of my precious free time to have to read them to determine if you are a "suitable" client for me. So, if you wish to see ME, you will go through MY screening process. Time to jump through rings of fire while playing the bagpipes on a motorcycle. 


If you do not like my concept of anonymity, move along. Problem solved.


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